Thursday, August 29, 2013


Sooooo week 2 was interesting. I didn't enjoy it as much as week 1(not because of concepts but just in general). As you likely know if you're reading this, we took a trip to CPCC to view 2 galleries on Tuesday. I'm from Charlotte...actually we passed the field where my sister had soccer practice in the past while looking for a parking spot...but I've never be in a building on the CPCC campus. So it was a new adventure even for a local like myself.

On to the artwork we viewed at CP...

I actually wasn't moved by nor did I enjoy the artwork we saw. None of it was really done in a style that caught my eye...I felt as if a lot of it was very cliche and what I would expect to be hanging in a community college art gallery. That doesn't mean it was bad, but rather that it was boring to me personally.

I'm just not a fan of anything that satisfies my expectations when viewing artwork. I don't want to see what I expect. I can still see and appreciate how good the paintings and sculptures were...but I certainly wouldn't pay for any of the artwork I saw. Again, not knocking down the artists, I just wasn't interested in any of it.

Today (THURSDAY) in class we brought our proposals for our first project and shared with partners. I was very uncomfortable with this for a couple reasons...first of all I wasn't prepared to talk about it with others...I have to plan that out in my head in order to sound half way intelligent. Also, I don't like sharing my ideas until I really love my ideas. I have no problem with critique or ideas from others or talking about my ideas but I don't like having my creative process(not exactly even sure what it is but it doesn't normally involve incomplete thoughts.) messed with.

It's all good tho!

Until next time..

Saturday, August 17, 2013

What Is There To Say?

Well, actually there's a lot to say...I have a lot to say...but right now I'm not sure what direction to go in. I turned 20 yesterday and I'm only a couple days away from the first day of my second year at UNC Charlotte. 

At this point in my life I have a huge amount of ideas for future businesses, forms of art work and much more...slowly but surely I'm figuring out ways to make things happen. I'm just trying to find my way through life and HOPEFULLY art classes will open my mind to new things and my self to new people. I'm down to learn and I'll actually be very upset if I don't. 

The goal is to stay positive and learn. There's not much else to my mindset this year.

Much love to whoever reads this blog from now until the end of the semester!

*Oh and lately I've been inspired by the mint green color you see in the header, and Steve Jobs...I'm weird...but I'll try to keep you updated with the little things that inspire me at the end of each blog post*
