Thursday, August 29, 2013


Sooooo week 2 was interesting. I didn't enjoy it as much as week 1(not because of concepts but just in general). As you likely know if you're reading this, we took a trip to CPCC to view 2 galleries on Tuesday. I'm from Charlotte...actually we passed the field where my sister had soccer practice in the past while looking for a parking spot...but I've never be in a building on the CPCC campus. So it was a new adventure even for a local like myself.

On to the artwork we viewed at CP...

I actually wasn't moved by nor did I enjoy the artwork we saw. None of it was really done in a style that caught my eye...I felt as if a lot of it was very cliche and what I would expect to be hanging in a community college art gallery. That doesn't mean it was bad, but rather that it was boring to me personally.

I'm just not a fan of anything that satisfies my expectations when viewing artwork. I don't want to see what I expect. I can still see and appreciate how good the paintings and sculptures were...but I certainly wouldn't pay for any of the artwork I saw. Again, not knocking down the artists, I just wasn't interested in any of it.

Today (THURSDAY) in class we brought our proposals for our first project and shared with partners. I was very uncomfortable with this for a couple reasons...first of all I wasn't prepared to talk about it with others...I have to plan that out in my head in order to sound half way intelligent. Also, I don't like sharing my ideas until I really love my ideas. I have no problem with critique or ideas from others or talking about my ideas but I don't like having my creative process(not exactly even sure what it is but it doesn't normally involve incomplete thoughts.) messed with.

It's all good tho!

Until next time..

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