Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Alright so thankfully my first presentation of the year is done and out of the way! I admittedly stressed over it and wanted everything to be exactly how it needed to be...and it was. I could've done better but that goes for anything. Always room for improvement. 

Anyways, my project actually went really smoothly. The only thing that was kind of annoying was taking the process pictures (see below). Obviously my project was a video so I couldn't really take process pictures in the same way someone would have for a painting or something. 

Regardless here are the pics:

So like I said I didn't really run into any issues. The process pics I took were simply pics of my materials for each 'scene' in the video. 

The video took a couple hours to edit. I've had some experience with video editing so I knew exactly what I wanted to do.

Personally I take more time brainstorming in my head than anything. I think about stuff for days and then execute within a single day when I can sit down and get into my zone. I don't procrastinate at all...I do stuff a couple days ahead of the due date always, but I normally just get stuff done all in one sitting.

As far as my presentation goes, I feel like I did pretty well. I could have done better of course...but all in all it wasn't too bad. I didn't include any negatives or failures in my process like others did so I felt like that was a big positive. Also, because Ms. Rothrock said the presentation was a presentation of our process, I felt it was important to show the artists/inspirations first. You could clearly see elements of each artist/inspiration in my final video (see below).

Overall, I think I did well. My final project stood out compared to others (everlasting personal mission complete!) and my presentation was very good compared to most of the class. I kicked off the class well with a nice first project and can't wait to top myself.

CLASS REVIEW: Honestly, I was kind of disappointed by some people. I don't see how an art student can't put together a visually appealing powerpoint. It just makes no sense to me. I'm not acting like mine was GREAT or anything (believe me I literally go to sleep thinking about how I should've done it!). I just feel like some people don't have any taste or creativity. It takes away from their artwork as well when their presentation isn't any good. You don't even need to be good at making Powerpoint's or Photoshop (made mine in PS and created a PDF doc which acted as a slideshow) to make a visually appealing slideshow. You can make something super simple ala high fashion advertisements with minimal text, solid colors and clean lines EASILY. It's seriously not hard at all. I don't mean to sound rude but I think it's ridiculous how unprofessional and 9th grade English class-esque MOST of the presentations were. AGAIN, mine wasn't the greatest thing either and I'm going to improve on it. Mine was at least not cooke cutter or just flat out my opinion anyways. 

Regarding the actual ARTWORK...again I was kindaaaa disappointed. I liked the one light piece that reflected the shadow of the home school chess club trophy. The concept was A++++++ and the lighting and presentation were very well done. 

Other than that project nothing really stood out to me. I def respect the guy who did the animation because it was very well done. I've done a bit of that myself and I know it's super tedious...he nailed it. HOWEVER, I think he could've knocked it out of the park if he made the clip into more of a short webisode type thing as opposed to just a random clip. I'm talking about adding a creative title and stuff. In my opinion that would've really helped. 

Wasn't too fond of the fact that one person didn't even complete a project and just presented failures. However I won't get into that. If you aren't bothered to COMPLETE SOMETHING then I won't bother to complete thi.........



Sorry to come across as rude if you took it that way. Everything I say in regards to myself or others is only fueled by my love and passion for this. I just want everyone in the class kill every project we do. I wish I could help. I'm no superstar artist but I still like trying to offer my advice.... I don't know. I try.

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