Thursday, September 19, 2013


TIME is a non spatial continuum that is measured in terms of events which succeed one another from past through present to future according to MERRIAM-WEBSTER.COM

My project will touch on events and/or points of time.



Sometime during the first couple weeks of class, we saw a installation piece in a Rowe gallery that gave me this idea. I forget the subject matter and concept of the piece but it consisted of 2 large hanging papers with holes in them. You could see through the paper and onto the other side. 


I created what I call the "Admire girl" (SEE AT BOTTOM OF POST) about a year ago and she's based on a vintage comic. "She" has a lot of meaning behind her and is a symbol of positivity and true admiration of perceived greatness. My goal when I designed "her" was to make "her" appear as if "she" was photographed admiring a king/queen/leader/idol/celebrity/etc. The piece as a whole was made to look like the front of a magazine. 

"She" is dynamic in that "she" is a constant reminder that someone ADMIRE's you and see's your inner and outer beauty even if you don't recognize it yourself. If you walk by a poster, or person wearing a shirt with "her" on it, or even look in the mirror while wearing the shirt.....the Admire girl is looking back at you in admiration. idea for an installation piece is to have a huge version of the Admire girl printed....and then I'd also design a 2nd piece that would be printed in the same size. The 2nd piece would illustrate important figures and pieces of pop culture such as celebrities and music. 

The glasses of the Admire girl would be cut out so you could look thru her eyes and see what "she" sees.....which is the greatness that surrounds us.

WHY? I think.....I KNOW.....that our culture is so disposable. Music comes out daily....hourly.....and we forget to stop and ADMIRE what people have created. You often see people even making fun of others for being a fan of an artist(musical or visual), or celebrity or etc. We fully believe as a society that it's okay to not give credit where it's due. We are brought up to believe you can do exactly what Lil' Wayne has done (won multiple Grammy's....1 million copies sold in one week-TWICE...etc) and that it's not that hard. YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE IN YOURSELF, but why is it okay to tell the youth that you can be the next Lil' Wayne if you work hard? That's false. You must have talent. It's okay to sit back and say....WOW, what he did was incredible. I HOPE I can get to that point one day. It's wrong to not Admire. Without admiration, we have no idols. If we have no idols, history books(or websites) in the future will all be a step by step "how to" rather than a LOOK WHAT THIS PERSON DID IT'S INCREDIBLE! THIS IS HOW HE DID IT! THIS IS AMAZING! HOW CAN WE TAKE WHAT HE DID AND APPLY IT TO OUR LIVES?? HOW CAN WE IMPROVE?? ......but really the whole point is to get people to slow down and appreciate the greatness that surrounds us. Everything was not better in the past. The best music did not solely exist in the past. The best art did not solely exist in the past. There are extraordinary human beings and art and music and events that are CURRENT.

It's a complex issue but I'm obviously passionate about it.



Playing off the same ideas from PRPSL #1...

I would accumulate CD's to symbolize pop culture and obviously music. My idea would be to paint everything black....the case, the CD itself, the matte board....everything is the same color and blends together. I was thinking that around 3-5 CD's would be appropriate. They would be glued to a matte board with even space between them. Around the CD to the right there would be a solid-bold-white circle that surrounded it. 

My idea is that everything blends together and we focus on the most recent item (we read left to would be implied that the furthest to the right CD is the most recent). Everything else that isn't "new" is forgotten about but still there. Even when we do focus on what's "current" we aren't really LOVING and ADMIRING it....we are just focusing on it because it's new. We forget that it's okay to love.



Playing off the same ideas from PRPSL #1 & #2

As mentioned in PRPSL #1...the Admire girl is meant to surround you with love and admiration. I would love to get multiple prints of "her" done and have them hung all over a wall in a public place. Somewhere where people will for sure notice. 

HOWEVER, I've done this before to some extent and I'd rather hold off with PRINT MEDIA....I have better ideas for that later in the semester....

I'm going to most likely do PRPSL #1. 

Suggestions? Please let me know!



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