Sunday, September 15, 2013

Another Week..

This was a different week in comparison to projects were due for either of my studio classes and we did more planning and talking than anything. Honestly I was kind of glad I didn't HAVE TO make any artwork this week because I simply couldn't until around Friday. I just wasn't up to it. It's also super hard to work in class on ideas and projects when people around you are in your personal space and you feel boxed in by their bodies and conversations. I know I will have to and I can work with and around others no problem, but I was trying to focus on a personal project...

Anyway, on to what we did in concepts...

We talked, watched and read about several well known artists from the post modern era. Most of which I wasn't very intrigued by honestly. I guess I'm just sort of selective when it comes to art. It's not that I can't appreciate the art but some of the stuff simply doesn't excite me.

Oddly, I enjoyed the reading we went over in class. I didn't read every single word but some things capture my attention. I like talking about the theories and higher levels of thinking that go behind the artwork. It can help your own personal artwork if you understand WHY others have created pieces in the way they did.

Also specifically I enjoyed the way PM art pushed boundaries. I know it's an ongoing joke that I was so upset because people broke rules with their projects but most of the time I'm the one trying to go outside the set rules when it comes to art or society rules. I definitely haven't ever broken the law or anything like that....but I'm referring to being personally upset with the way the media portrays men to be "gay" if they like fashion.....or the way Hardee's commercials make all men seem dirty truck driving delinquents who can't keep the food in their mouths. I think it's so awesome that artwork can change the way people think. In many ways, art is the media. It does the same thing. If you see a poster over and over again that says XYZ, is it not the same as seeing a commercial on TV that says ABC??

There's a time to follow the rules, and there's a time to break boundaries. Follow the rules when your teacher TELLS you to use 1 type of paint and 1 piece of paper. Don't use acrylics when he or she told you to use oils only. In the real world your project and hard work would be automatically rejected in most circumstances because your work didn't fit the clients criteria. Break boundaries when you have any idea or concept that could possibly be groundbreaking or make others think in a new way. It doesn't even have to be something super important or political...maybe you think all women should never wear tennis shoes.....pretty insane but if you believe in it don't worry about what others have to say and make artwork that speaks your message.

On to open studio day...

I'm not gonna lie I felt super uncomfortable and intimidated all day. To start off I barely got their on time because the traffic was bad...I hate being even close to late.

Thankfully I enjoyed most of the rooms we visited. Fibers was super eye opening to me because I didn't realize it was as fashion oriented as it is. I'm definitely planning on at least taking Fibers 1.

Of course, I loved finally seeing where graphic design is. I'm 100% focusing on Graphic Design and I've known that since middle school...I'm just ready to start.

Painting was scary. Drawing was scary. Installation was scary. Anything that had to do with building or sculpting.....SCARY. I don't think I'm good enough for the typical "high art" stuff. I can't paint realistic stuff. I can't draw a random girl on some stools in a weird position and have it look good. I really hope I don't need to take a class like that..

All in all Open Studio Day wasn't bad but it kinda made me feel...bad(?). First of all I don't really know anyone in the whole school other than the few people I talk to in my classes. And I was kind of stand offish towards the one girl that's in 2 of my classes. I feel bad about that because I didn't mean to be. She and others are so nice to me but I feel like I'm completely irrelevant. Everyone knows so many other people or at least a few other people and I'm just the random quiet(but not really) kid. Having a hard time feeling like I belong or matter in classes or with anyone.

Overall it was an okay week. Sorry for not posting earlier but I've been busy with some client work and  my 2D project.


1 comment:

  1. Jesse -
    I totally appreciate your honestly and insight. As you must know, part of joining anything new, like art school, is feeling alone at first. You are such a strong talent, you have won respect in both 2D and Concepts because your work is thoughtful. Give it some time. Suggestion, join a group, either Digital Art Mob or the AIGA chapter on UNCC campus. Maybe these groups would help you connect.
