Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Art 21 Artists


Art has been around for a LONG time and he mentions how the foundations were established long ago. I like the way he acknowledges the meaning he places in color...I try to do a lot of the same. Color is such a powerful force because it's, in some cases, globally recognized to have a specific meaning.


Just in general...without even talking about the artist's work in particular, I think the method of art can be such an interesting thing. Sikander uses unique materials in unique ways. These ideas were likely self developed...I think everyone in our class this semester can relate to developing technique. None of us are complete experts. No artist is. So I think the method of art becomes spiritual in that it's personal. Artists don't use instruction books for their whole life. They find a way to do something and make it their own. It's all about combining and formulating a recipe for awesomeness.


Stories are everywhere in artwork, especially public art. Suh pointed out meanings of monuments and questioned them. Instantly my mind went off thinking of conspiracy theories and how things may not be as they seem with all art....I'm not THAT crazy to think that monuments are all government placed and have hidden meaning and what not but it's fun to think about.


Her art was super personal in method and content. She used deaths of families members as fuel to create and the process of burning may have helped her cope with death in a way. Again, I think this relates back to your spirit as an artist.

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