Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Final Thoughts On Concepts Class

I'll keep it simple to start...I really enjoyed this class.

I think it's important to have a class like this and I was PUMPED to start the year because I knew I'd FINALLY be able to have a voice. \

I'm passionate. I really, really care about what I create. This semester my feelings towards what I create have become more and more passionate. 

I'm competitive. Like...okay...this may be perceived as cocky or unnecessary to say....but I want to have the best artwork every time I submit a piece. For me, it's similar to wanting to be the best basketball player and feeling frustrated when you aren't or you have a bad game. The difference with art is that I can think my stuff out and really develop feelings to one specific moment or project. 

I have been perceived as cocky in this class because I believe so much in my ideas and I want to succeed SO BADLY that I EXPLODE in class when given a chance too. It's the night before out last class as I type and I'm so excited to present my book. I'm so excited to apologize to the class for possibly offending some people. This is what I live for. What could be better than creating something with thought behind it (that's personal to you), and then presenting it to a group of people? Nothin. Nothin is better than that. 

I'm not super confident in myself. 

...But I put on this mask on in class when presenting that makes people think I'm confident. I'm training myself to be a professional here. That's my goal. No one wants to hire someone who doesn't ooze confidence and excitement in what they do or create.

I literally personified this character with my costume project. I played "I Am A God" by Kanye in the background. That character is who comes to concepts class when it's time to present. I'm sorry that maybe this character is scary or cocky to some...but to me I have to get in this mindset or else I will literally say that my project sucks and people will wonder why I'm so down all the time. People will just want me to get over it and have more confidence in my work. 

And I don't think I've been cocky. Like I said, I've been perceived as that by some...but I think I've made fun of myself and joked around a bit in presentations...I think I've done a good job of just speaking and sharing my ideas and creations in a confident matter. 

This class isn't about your grade. It's not about your artwork. It's about learning how to think as an artist...and I believe I've learned how to express myself and think, better.

So...thank you, Ms. Rothrock. You're the perfect teacher for this class. You're so understanding and open minded that it allows crazy kids like me to feel comfortable and like I CAN create and BECOME what I want to. I really really appreciate you as a teacher and a person.

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