Thursday, October 31, 2013

Mint Museum Trip

A week ago today me and Julia went over to the Mint and checked out everything we were told to. I enjoyed going with her a lot, she's a ton of fun to be around. She was into the victorian style dresses and outfits more than anything. Personally I really liked the poncho type things...I'm not sure if those were one of the things we were told to look at but they were really cool. That style is actually kind of in now, so I could see a modern version of those being worn by females today.

Below are a few comments on each section we looked at in the Mint:

Arts of Africa

I find African Art to be incredible in some aspects. Mostly because I think it's awesome how much detail and quality they put into each piece, considering the circumstances.

Masks of Mexico

I like masks in general so these were cool to see. Again, just in general I think the craftsmanship is amazing due to the circumstances the artists were in. They didn't have endless paints and other resources like we have today. Also, the masks create characters that are completely it's hard to create things that are as original as they were hundreds of years ago. Our whole culture is influenced by things we have seen or experienced. The makers of these Mexican masks didn't have wi-fi and an iPad to pull up the latest thing to use as inspiration like I can.

Fashion Silhouettes

I enjoy fashion in general so I really liked seeing actual clothing from different time periods. It's crazy how much fashion has changed...mostly due to culture. There are noticeably big differences in victorian dresses and St. Laurent dresses, and it makes me think about what the future will look like as far as clothing goes.

Elegance and Ease

Dior, Balmain and St. Laurent....3 of the biggest names in fashion. I don't think the displays at the Mint really helped viewers understand the quality and beauty in each piece of clothing. I wasn't completely intrigued by the pieces we saw but they were most certainly awesome.

I was talking to Julia at the Mint about clothing considered art? I can see a costume being considered artwork but is something like a jacket considered an artwork? The phrase "work of art" may be used when describing a gorgeous dress....I would agree with that too.....but technically speaking does fashion=art? Or are they 2 separate things? I guess it depends.

Contemporary Mayan Textiles

Honestly I don't remember these vividly. Maybe this is where the ponchos I spoke of fit in? If not, sorry...but I'll talk about the ponchos more here since I don't know what else to say!

There was one poncho in particular that I liked alot. It had beautiful roses stitched into the fabric....makes it even crazier knowing that they didn't have machines to embroider it for them. That particular poncho and pattern on the piece made me think of sweaters and shirts I see at Forever 21 or other women's clothing stores....going back to what I said about fashion can see the connections.

OVERALL the trip to the Mint was good! Wish we could've stayed a bit longer...Julia had a 12:30 class and I couldn't cause her to be late so we rushed!

Below are some pics she took while we were there....

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